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Precise Digital Marketing

Mastering the Art of Offline Conversions A Step-by-Step Guide to Unlocking Google’s Offline Conversion Tracking System

04 Sep 2023 / Paid Ads

“Becoming a smart spender is the first step to becoming a smart earner.” 

If you own a business and advertise online regularly, you most probably wonder about implementing innovative ways of maximising your Return On Investment (ROI) on your advertising campaigns. Improving conversion rates and having a clearer understanding of the quality of leads, can lead to better  ad campaigns. With every other business striving to achieve the best return and results while optimising their ad spends, there is a constant need for innovative tools, features and strategies. Google Offline Conversions Tracking is one such feature introduced by Google in September 2021 that has become a game changer for many businesses. 

By seamlessly integrating offline conversion data, such as purchases made in physical stores or over the phone, Google Offline Conversions Tracking helps advertisers optimise their ad campaigns for maximum ROI. This solution provided by Google has revolutionised the way businesses measure the effectiveness of online ad campaigns, providing valuable insights that help control the costs. Google Offline Conversions Tracking helps you maximise ROI by eliminating wasteful ad spend and reallocating resources to the most efficient ad formats. If you are wondering how to track offline conversions and set up Google Offline Conversions Tracking, think no more, then we’ve got you covered. 

What are Offline Conversions? 

Offline Conversions is an advanced mechanism, designed for marketers and companies that employ digital ads, that allows monitoring conversions of those leads that may occur offline. In order to measure sales data and draw conclusions of  a campaign’s effectiveness, marketers can use Offline Conversions to pipe sales data back into their Google Ads account. Offline Conversions include any valuable actions that are caused by your ads and can’t be tracked using traditional conversion tracking methods. 

These actions include:

  • Funded deals
  • Enrollments in a course
  • Offline Transactions like Real Estate Deals or Car Sales, etc.
  • In-store purchases

What is Google Ads Offline Conversions Tracking

With Google Ads Offline Conversions Tracking feature, businesses can more effectively track offline sales brought about by Google Ads as well as other crucial mid-funnel offline conversions. It can also help understand the quality of your leads according to the volume of the  offline sales generated. Offline Conversion Tracking Google Ads system provides a complete picture of how the online campaigns are generating ROI for the business.

Benefits of using Google Offline Conversions Tracking

  • The feature provides advertisers with a more detailed overview of successful keywords that result in sales, and help to optimise campaigns.
  • It offers insights into the quality of leads generated by a specific campaign and improves Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) by increasing bids on the keywords that generate more revenue.
  • It helps marketers evaluate targeting criteria, which in turn helps distinguish the factors that produce the most cost-effective conversions. For example, it can help measure and track offline sales based on the location or the time of the day they occur the most. 
  • The data produced helps bridge the gap between Google Ads spend and conversions data that were unavailable before this feature.  
  • It monitors how consumers move through the sales funnel. It then enables to improve the customer’s journey and even personalise it. 
  • It empowers you with better analytics for both online and offline conversions.
  • It helps you increase the volume of ad spend on the best performing ads while reducing the share of the budget for underperforming ones. 
  • You can import the customer interaction that actually brought some results. 

Setting up Google Offline Conversions Tracking

Setting up and tracking Google offline conversions is a powerful feature for businesses seeking to maximise their marketing efforts. Using this feature you can effectively measure the impact of your online marketing campaigns on offline conversions, gain valuable insights into customer behaviour and optimise your strategies accordingly.

We know setting up Google Offline Conversions Tracking can be difficult to comprehend and implement. To set up Google Offline Conversions Tracking hassle-free and efficiently, get in touch with us todayContact us. 

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